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Chunk Structure

This page describes the chunk structure (vital and non-vital), its header, and payload. It also lists the chunk flags and explains how to decode and encode the chunk header.

Chunk Flags

The available chunk flags are:

ValueFinal ValueName


Every flag can be combined with others.

Vital Chunk Structure

Vital chunks have the following bytes structure:

chunkByte[0]    // 2bit flags, 6bit size
chunkByte[1]    // 4bit size, 4bit sequence
chunkByte[2]    // 8bit sequence
chunkByte[3]    // message id
chunkByte[4...] // payload


You can learn more about the sequence value at the Vital & Non-Vital Chunks section.

Non-Vital Chunk Structure

Non-vital chunks have the following bytes structure:

chunkByte[0]    // 2bit flags, 6bit size
chunkByte[1]    // 4bit size, 4bit unused
chunkByte[2]    // message id
chunkByte[3...] // payload

Decoding/Encoding Chunk Header

One more time, there is a situation where the header information is "mixed" into multiple bytes, now with the chunk header with 2-3 bytes.

To decode the chunk header, you can implement the following pseudo-code:

flags = (chunkByte[0] >> 6) & 3
size = (chunkByte[0] & 0x3F) << 4 | (chunkByte[1] & 0xF)

// only for vital chunks
sequence = ((chunkByte[1] & 0xF0) << 2) | chunkByte[2]

// byte position depends on the chunk type (non-vital or vital)
message = chunkByte[2 or 3] >> 1

isSystem = chunkByte[2 or 3] & 1

To encode the chunk header, you can implement the following pseudo-code:

chunkByte[0] = ((flags & 3) << 6) | ((size >> 4) & 0x3F)
chunkByte[1] = (size & 0xF)

// only for vital chunks
chunkByte[1] |= (sequence >> 2) & 0xF0
chunkByte[2] = sequence & 0xFF

// byte position depends on the chunk type (non-vital or vital)
chunkByte[2 or 3] = (message << 1) | isSystem


You need to use isSystem to differentiate between system and game messages, as they have the same IDs. You can do that by checking if the last bit of the message byte is 1 as exemplified.