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Default Packets

This page describes the default packet structure (in-game packets), its header, and payload (chunks and snap chunks).


Default packets have a header and payload in the following way:

byte[0]     // 6bit flags, 2bit ack
byte[1]     // 8bit ack
byte[2]     // chunks amount
byte[4-...] // chunks...


To extract Flags and ACK, you can follow the guide in the Extracting Flags and ACK section.

Chunks & Snap Chunks

The payload of default packets is composed of chunks and snap chunks. Every chunk is a piece of data. Snap Chunks are special chunks containing multiple snap items, which are game state information. These are the main pillars of the protocol.

As there was a lot of information to consider, it was divided into two pages: Chunks Concept and Snaps Concept.